Delivery Information

We will process your order within 2 working days of receipt of the order.

We use Australia Post to ship your purchases to you.

The shipping cost is a function of the size and weight of the item(s) you purchase.

We use the standard letter service for cards and books that fit within the Australia Post weight and size guidelines. Otherwise, standard Parcel Post is utilised.

We will publish the receipt details including tracking number to you via email once your purchase has been lodged with Australia Post.

Given COVID-19 and the disruptive effect this has had on our community, we thank you in advance for your patience if your delivery happens to be unduly delayed.

Australia Post expected delivery estimates for the Melbourne and Sydney metro areas is 2-3 working days

For certain items such as the Gift Hamper, we will use an alternative courier service and again will publish the relevant details to you via email once the item has been lodged for transit.